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As technologies develop the need for sentiment analysis will be more accessible and affordable for the public and smaller companies as well.

Why Sentiment Analysis is Important?


Sentiment Analysis, also known as opinion mining, is the process of analyzing online pieces of writing to determine the emotional tone they carry, whether they’re positive, negative, or neutral.

It is gaining more popularity amongst businesses and therefore natural language processing technologies are developing.



What is Sentiment Analysis?


Sentiment Analysis, also known as opinion mining, is the process of analyzing online pieces of writing to determine the emotional tone they carry, whether they’re positive, negative, or neutral.

The process of sentiment extraction can be fully automated, with minimal human intervention thereby enhancing its usefulness for the business. Besides, it saves a lot of time and effort by the company.

Because emotions and attitudes towards a topic can become actionable pieces of information useful in numerous areas of business and research.


What is Sentiment Analysis used for?

Text analytics and opinion mining find numerous applications in e-commerce, marketing, advertising, politics, market research, and any other research.


  1. Brand Reputation Management: The Internet has become a huge marketplace where brands, products, services, and experiences are discussed and experiences shared. Social platforms, reviews, and discussion forums are bursting with information that, if collected and analyzed is a source of business information that can manage brand reputation. 
  2. Customer Feedback: Today, consumers use their social profiles to share both their positive and negative experiences with brands. Sentiment analysis products can identify mentions conveying positive pieces of content showing strengths, as well as negative mentions, showing bad reviews.
  3. Market research: Data from Sentiment Analysis makes it complements any type of market research. It provides you a lot of invaluable information like what consumers like, dislike, or what their expectations are.
  4. Crisis Prevention: The company's PR specialists can receive real-time notifications about any negative piece of content that appeared online, using the Sentiment Analysis product. They can quickly react and nip the problem in the bud before it escalates into a social media crisis.
  5. Politics: Political can also have use for sentiment analysis. An analysis of how many negative mentions appeared in the media and news articles can help political parties can realign their strategies.


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Our Product development Sentiment analysis has a lot to offer. Our clients span global consulting firms, high-growth startups, state federal government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies in a variety of industries. 


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